Irrigation pumps are sometimes an overlooked part of irrigation systems, but it's a very important part as the pump is responsible for getting the water to the sprinkler heads. More importantly they provide water for irrigation systems when high volume is required. Sometimes city water meters dont provide enough GPM(gallons per minute) needed to run your system efficiently. Pumps are available in different designs with different technical features, such as capacity, power and efficiency. 

They can be a little expensive up front with the initial setup/installation, but if you plan on staying in the house you're in for a long time, it may be worth the investment in the long run. 

Reasons Pump May Not Be Working

Pump has failed  -  due to age more than likely or burnt up from overheating.

Pump has lost prime  -  Most of the time a pump will lose prime from pump overheating and fittings coming loose, causing pump to draw air and lose prime. Overheating occurs usually when the water isn't moving, like a bad valve in your system, causing pump to overheat. The pump is cooled when the water moves through it so when a valve doesn't come on and the water stops moving, the pump will overheat.

Pump Start Relay is bad - A pump start relay is an electrical device that allows your irrigation timer to communicate with the pump. They will go bad just from normal everyday usage. 

Well has dried up  (shallow wells)

Suction line broken or sitting on bottom of lake  (for pumps drawing off a lake)

Sprinkler Repair in Clermont and Irrigation Repair